Deborah WOODAge: 55 years1774–1829
- Name
- Deborah WOOD
Birth | about 1774 Source: Elsbeth Tree |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Deborah ATKINSON 1812 (Age 38 years) Cause: Natural Decay Source: Elsbeth Tree |
Death of a husband | John ATKINSON about 1827 (Age 53 years) Source: Elsbeth Tree |
Death | about 1829 (Age 55 years) Source: Elsbeth Tree |
Family with John ATKINSON |
husband |
John ATKINSON Birth: about 1763 Death: about 1827 |
herself |
Deborah WOOD Birth: about 1774 Death: about 1829 |
daughter |
Deborah ATKINSON Birth: 1812 49 38 Death: 20 October 1885 — Yardley, Birmingham, England |
son |
James ATKINSON Death: 1881 |
son | |
daughter | |
daughter | |
son | |
son | |
daughter |
Birth | Elsbeth Tree |
Death | Elsbeth Tree |