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Birth Certificate - Emma Branch

Emma BRANCHAge: 52 years18631916

Birth 3 April 1863 49 37
Address: Harefield, Uxbridge, Middlesex, England
1881 (Age 17 years) Age: 18 years
Address: Back of Chapel Builders Shop, Harefield, Middlesex, England
Census 1881 1881 (Age 17 years) Age: 18 years
Address: Back of Chapel Builders Shop, Harefield, Middlesex, England
MarriageAmbrose Alfred ASKEWView this family
15 June 1887 (Age 24 years)
Address: All Saints, Lambeth, Surrey
Residence 15 June 1887 (Age 24 years)
Address: Upper Brook Street, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Birth of a son
Ambrose Austin ASKEW
5 February 1888 (Age 24 years)
Address: 132 Sandringham Buildings, Soho, Westminster, Middlesex, England
Birth of a daughter
Florence ASKEW
about 1890 (Age 26 years)
Death of a fatherHenry BRANCH
6 April 1890 (Age 27 years) Age: 76 years
Address: Union Work House, Hillingdon, Middlesex, England
Cause: Apoplexy Exhaustion
Census 1891 1891 (Age 27 years) Age: 28 years
Address: Princess Hope Cottages, Chigwell, Essex, England
Birth of a son
Harold ASKEW
about 1892 (Age 28 years)
Death of a motherSarah Elizabeth GOODMAN
26 February 1901 (Age 37 years) Age: 74 years
Address: Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth, 20 Grove Road, Marylebone, London, England
Cause: Congestion of the Lungs, Cerebral Hoemorrage, "Old"
Census 1901 1901 Age: 37 years
Address: Hills Road Hills Cottage, Buckhurst Hill, Essex, England
Marriage of a childAmbrose Austin ASKEWGertrude Eva LETHERBARROWView this family
17 August 1914 (Age 51 years) Wife: 19 years
Address: The Catholic Chursh of John Baptist, Banbury, Oxfordshire, England
Death 3 February 1916 Age: 52 years
Address: St Anthonys Hopital, Carshalton, Surrey, England
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1 October 1847Harefield, Middlesex, England
5 years
elder brother
10 years
elder brother
2 years
Family with Ambrose Alfred ASKEW - View this family
Marriage: 15 June 1887Lambeth, Surrey
8 months
3 years
3 years

BirthBirth Certificate
BirthMarriage Certificate
Occupation1881 British Census
Census 18811881 British Census
MarriageMarriage Certificate
ResidenceMarriage Certificate
Census 18911891 British Census
Census 19011901 British Census
NameBirth Certificate
DeathDeath Certificate

Died at about 50yrs old

Media objectBirth Certificate - Emma BranchBirth Certificate - Emma Branch
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Image dimensions: 996 × 768 pixels
File size: 141 KB
Media object1891 Census - Askew1891 Census - Askew
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 2,177 × 1,841 pixels
File size: 513 KB
Media objectMarriage Certificate Emma BRANCH & Ambrose ASKEWMarriage Certificate Emma BRANCH & Ambrose ASKEW
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 2,200 × 1,696 pixels
File size: 904 KB