Anne ANDERSONAge: 45 years1855–1901
- Name
Source: Birth Certificate
Birth | 2 April 1855 Address: Rocks Lane, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England Source: Birth Certificate Source: Marriage Certificate Source: 1881 British Census |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Anne L BRIGDEN about 1876 (Age 20 years) |
Marriage | John BRIGDEN — View this family 12 February 1880 (Age 24 years) Husband: 31 years Wife: 25 years Address: St Peters Church, Southborough, Kent, England Source: Marriage Certificate |
Birth of a son #2 | Robert J BRIGDEN about 1880 (Age 24 years) Source: 1881 British Census |
Census 1881 | 1881 Age: 25 years Address: 2 Chapel Place, Tonbridge, Kent, England Source: 1881 British Census |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Amy BRIGDEN 4 June 1886 (Age 31 years) Address: 3 Edward Street, Southborough, Kent, England Source: Birth Certificate |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Beatrice BRIGDEN about 1889 (Age 33 years) Source: 1901 British Census |
Birth of a son #5 | Frederick BRIGDEN about 1891 (Age 35 years) |
Census 1891 | 1891 (Age 35 years) Age: 36 years Address: 17 Edward Street, Southborough, Kent, England Source: 1891 British Census |
Birth of a daughter #6 | May BRIGDEN about 1894 (Age 38 years) |
Occupation | Laundress Wash 1901 (Age 45 years)Source: 1901 British Census |
Census 1901 | 1901 (Age 45 years) Age: 46 years Address: 23 Edward St, Southborough, Kent, England Source: 1901 British Census |
Death | after 1901 (Age 45 years) Source: 1901 British Census |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
herself |
Family with John BRIGDEN |
husband |
John BRIGDEN Birth: 20 October 1848 — Malling, Kent, England Death: 17 January 1922 — Southborough, Kent, England |
herself |
Marriage: 12 February 1880 — Southborough, Kent, England |
-3 years daughter |
Anne L BRIGDEN Birth: about 1876 27 20 — Southborough, Kent, England |
5 years son |
Robert J BRIGDEN Birth: about 1880 31 24 — Southborough, Kent, England |
6 years daughter |
Amy BRIGDEN Birth: 4 June 1886 37 31 — Southborough, Kent, England Death: 5 February 1942 — Tonbridge, Kent, England |
4 years daughter |
Beatrice BRIGDEN Birth: about 1889 40 33 — Southborough, Kent, England |
3 years son |
Frederick BRIGDEN Birth: about 1891 42 35 — Southborough, Kent, England |
4 years daughter |
May BRIGDEN Birth: about 1894 45 38 — Southborough, Kent, England |
Birth | Birth Certificate |
Birth | Marriage Certificate |
Birth | 1881 British Census |
Marriage | Marriage Certificate |
Census 1881 | 1881 British Census |
Census 1891 | 1891 British Census |
Occupation | 1901 British Census |
Census 1901 | 1901 British Census |
Name | Birth Certificate |
Death | 1901 British Census |
Media object | 1891 Census - Brigden Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 2,177 × 1,707 pixels File size: 355 KB Note: