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1891 Census - Davy

Bridget KEANEAge: 69 years18381907

Bridget KEANE
Birth 1838 11
Note: DoB 1841
MarriageJames Richard DAVYView this family
1 March 1868 (Age 30 years) Husband: 23 years Wife: 26 years
Address: St Georges, Southwark, Surrey, England
Residence 1 March 1868 (Age 30 years) Age: 26 years
Address: 3 Norkolk House, Church Street, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Birth of a daughter
Charlotte Mary DAVY
31 January 1871 (Age 33 years)
Address: 56 Paradise Street, Lambeth, Surrey, england
Residence 11 March 1871 (Age 33 years)
Address: 56 Paradise Street, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Citation details: Charlotte Mary's Birth Cert
Birth of a son
John Michael DAVY
23 November 1872 (Age 34 years)
Address: 56 Paradise Street, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Baptism of a sonJohn Michael DAVY
22 December 1872 (Age 34 years)
Address: St Georges Catholic Church, St Georges Street, Southwark, Surrey, England
Citation details: (our ref V4-27)
Note: John Davey, son of James and Bridget Davey (nee Kane).
Birth of a daughter
Margaret DAVY
20 September 1874 (Age 36 years)
Address: 56 Paradise Street, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Baptism of a daughterMargaret DAVY
1 November 1874 (Age 36 years)
Address: St Georges Catholic Church, St Georges Street, Southwark, Surrey, England
Citation details: our ref V4-208
Note: Margaret Davey, daughter of James and Bridget Davey (nee O'Kane)
Birth of a son
James DAVY
3 June 1876 (Age 38 years)
Address: 4 Pearson's Place, Paradise Street, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Residence 14 July 1876 (Age 38 years)
Address: 4 Pearson's Place, Paradise Street, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Citation details: James' Birth Certificate
Birth of a son
Joseph DAVY
13 June 1880 (Age 42 years)
Address: 5 Pearson's Place, Paradise Street, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Baptism of a sonJoseph DAVY
4 July 1880 (Age 42 years)
Address: St Georges Catholic Church, St Georges Street, Southwark, Surrey, England
Citation details: our ref V5-113
Note: Born 13 June 1880, baptised 4 July 1880
Residence 21 July 1880 (Age 42 years)
Address: 5 Pearson's Place, Paradise Street, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Citation details: Josephs Birth Cert
Death of a husbandJames Richard DAVY
16 December 1884 (Age 46 years) Age: 40 years
Address: 1 Graves Place, Saunders Street, Union Street, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Cause: Phthisis / Consumption (TB)
Date of entry in original source: 16 December 1884
Note: James Richard DavEy
Note: Alive @ birth of John Davy
Burial of a husbandJames Richard DAVY
1884 (Age 46 years) Age: 40 years
Address: Grave number 2395, Kensal Green Cemetary, Kensal Green, London, England
Census 1891 1891 (Age 53 years) Age: 50 years
Address: 26 Walnut Tree Road, Lambeth, London, England
Marriage of a childJohn Michael DAVYMary Josephine RINGView this family
5 September 1897 (Age 59 years)
Address: St Georges Catholic Church, St Saviour, London, England
Marriage of a childFrancois KOHLMargaret DAVYView this family
23 March 1901 (Age 63 years)

Census 1901 1901 (Age 63 years) Age: 60 years
Address: 6 St Albans Street, Lambeth, London, England
Residence about 1907 (Age 69 years)
Address: 5 Oakden Street, Kennington, Lambeth, London, England
Death 11 January 1907 Age: 69 years
Address: Workhouse, Brick Street, Kennington, Lambeth, London, England
Cause of death: Cardiac Failure
Note: Died at daughters home C.Davy
Family with parents - View this family
Family with James Richard DAVY - View this family
Marriage: 1 March 1868Southwark, Surrey, England
3 years
22 months
22 months
20 months
4 years

BirthDeath Certificate
BirthMarriage Certificate
Birth1901 British Census
Birth1891 British Census
Note: DoB 1841
MarriageMarriage Certificate
ResidenceMarriage Certificate
ResidenceBirth Certificate
Citation details: Charlotte Mary's Birth Cert
ResidenceBirth Certificate
Citation details: James' Birth Certificate
ResidenceBirth Certificate
Citation details: Josephs Birth Cert
Census 18911891 British Census
Census 19011901 British Census
DeathDeath Certificate

DoB 1841


Died at daughters home C.Davy

Media object1891 Census - Davy1891 Census - Davy
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Media objectDeath Certificate - Bridget KeaneDeath Certificate - Bridget Keane
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File size: 138 KB
Media objectMarriage Certificate - Davy & KeaneMarriage Certificate - Davy & Keane
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Media objectMarriage Certificate - Davy & KeaneMarriage Certificate - Davy & Keane
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