Edward RINGAge: 40 years1833–1873
- Name
- Edward RING
Birth | before 1833 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Sarah RING about 1846 (Age 13 years) Source: S&N census Index 1871 |
Birth of a son #2 | Eugene RING between 12 January 1848 and 11 January 1849 (Age 15 years) Source: Marriage Certificate Source: 1891 British Census |
Occupation | Cooper |
Death | before January 1873 (Age 40 years) |
Family with Sarah ? |
himself |
Edward RING Birth: before 1833 Death: before January 1873 |
wife |
Sarah ? Birth: before 1833 |
daughter |
Sarah RING Birth: about 1846 13 13 |
3 years son |
Birth: between 12 January 1848 and 11 January 1849 15 15 — Ireland Death: after 17 May 1902 |