William ASKEWAge: 51 years1778–1829
- Name
- William ASKEW
Source: Marriage Certificate
Note: Certificate of Benjamin
Birth | 1778 |
Marriage | Mary EDGINGTON — View this family 18 October 1802 (Age 24 years) Source: Marriage Register Citation details: Aston Le Walls Parish Date of entry in original source: 18 October 1802 Note: Both of Aston Le Walls Parish
Birth of a daughter #1 | Mary ASKEW 1808 (Age 30 years) |
Occupation | Labourer |
Baptism of a daughter | Mary ASKEW 6 November 1808 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Sarah ASKEW 1811 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | James ASKEW 1818 (Age 40 years) |
Baptism of a son | James ASKEW 3 December 1819 (Age 41 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Benjamin ASKEW 1824 (Age 46 years) Source: Marriage Certificate Source: Parish Baptisms Register |
Baptism of a son | Benjamin ASKEW 3 October 1824 (Age 46 years) |
Baptism | 31 October 1824 (Age 46 years) Address: Aston Le Wall, Northamptonshire, England Source: Parish Baptisms Register |
Death | 1829 (Age 51 years) Source: Parish Death Register Citation details: Aston Le Walls |
Burial | 14 March 1829 Age: 51 years Address: Aston Le Wall Parish, Northamptonshire, England Source: Parish Death Register |
Census | Mary EDGINGTON — View this family 1841 (12 years after death) Wife: 62 years Source: 1841 British Census Citation details: HO107/795/1 |
Family with Mary EDGINGTON |
himself |
William ASKEW Birth: 1778 Death: 1829 — Aston Le Wall, Northamptonshire, England |
wife |
Marriage: 18 October 1802 — Aston Le Wall, Northamptonshire, England |
6 years daughter |
Mary ASKEW Birth: 1808 30 29 |
4 years daughter |
8 years son |
7 years son |
daughter |
Birth | Susan's Family Tree Research Service |
Marriage | Marriage Register Citation details: Aston Le Walls Parish Date of entry in original source: 18 October 1802 Note: Both of Aston Le Walls Parish
Baptism | Parish Baptisms Register |
Name | Marriage Certificate Note: Certificate of Benjamin
Death | Parish Death Register Citation details: Aston Le Walls |
Burial | Parish Death Register |
Census | 1841 British Census Citation details: HO107/795/1 |
Marriage | Both of Aston Le Walls Parish |
Name | Certificate of Benjamin |
Media object | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,900 × 1,231 pixels File size: 518 KB Note:
Media object | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,900 × 1,251 pixels File size: 495 KB Note: