My family tree

Walter Henry BRIDGENSAge: 51 years18631915

Walter Henry BRIDGENS
Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth 27 January 1863 19 19

Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth of a brotherJoseph BRIDGENS
8 November 1865 (Age 2 years)

Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth of a brotherErnest Robert BRIDGENS
20 November 1867 (Age 4 years)
Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth of a sisterEdith BRIDGENS
30 November 1869 (Age 6 years)

Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth of a brotherEdwin BRIDGENS
1873 (Age 9 years)

Source: Elsbeth Tree
Death of a brotherEdwin BRIDGENS
1874 (Age 10 years)

Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth of a brotherFrank BRIDGENS
13 May 1876 (Age 13 years)
Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth of a brotherLeonard BRIDGENS
27 February 1879 (Age 16 years)
Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth of a sisterJessie Elizabeth BRIDGENS
26 March 1881 (Age 18 years)
Address: Wake Green, Yardley, Solihull, Warwick & Worcester, England
Cause: Thrombosis & arteriol sclerosis
Birth of a sisterElizabeth BRIDGENS
March 1881 (Age 18 years)
Address: Moseley Wake Green, Yardley, Worcester, England
Death of a motherElizabeth ALLEN
after 1881 (Age 17 years)

Death of a brotherFrank BRIDGENS
29 July 1882 (Age 19 years)

Cause: Drowned
Source: Elsbeth Tree
Death of a paternal grandfatherHenry BRIDGENS
26 March 1883 (Age 20 years) Age: 87 years
Address: Wake Field, Yardley, Birmingham, England
Cause: Natural Decay
Source: Elsbeth Tree
Death of a maternal grandmotherDeborah ATKINSON
20 October 1885 (Age 22 years) Age: 73 years
Address: Wake Field, Yardley, Birmingham, England
Cause: Chronic Bronchitis
Birth of a daughter
22 April 1892 (Age 29 years)

Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth of a son
14 December 1893 (Age 30 years)

Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth of a son
Albert Allen BRIDGENS
24 October 1895 (Age 32 years)

Source: Elsbeth Tree
Death of a fatherJoseph BRIDGENS
24 October 1907 (Age 44 years) Age: 64 years
Address: 44 Evelyn Road, Sparkhill, Yardley, Solihull, Warwick & Worcester, England
Cause: Malignant Disease
Source: Elsbeth Tree
Death 26 January 1915 (Age 51 years)

Source: Elsbeth Tree
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 7 April 1862Bordesley, Birmingham, England
10 months
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
younger sister
Family with Maria Eliz ROGERS - View this family
20 months
22 months

BirthElsbeth Tree
NameElsbeth Tree
DeathElsbeth Tree