My family tree

Elsie Olive BRIDGENSAge: 22 years18991922

Elsie Olive BRIDGENS
Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth 30 August 1899 33 27

Source: Elsbeth Tree
Death of a motherCharlotte WOOD
28 December 1902 (Age 3 years)

Source: Elsbeth Tree
Death of a paternal grandfatherJoseph BRIDGENS
24 October 1907 (Age 8 years) Age: 64 years
Address: 44 Evelyn Road, Sparkhill, Yardley, Solihull, Warwick & Worcester, England
Cause: Malignant Disease
Source: Elsbeth Tree
Death 22 June 1922 (Age 22 years)

Source: Elsbeth Tree
BirthElsbeth Tree
NameElsbeth Tree
DeathElsbeth Tree