Ruth Norris BRIDGENSAge: 115 years1909–
- Name
- Ruth Norris BRIDGENS
Source: Elsbeth Tree
Birth | 22 October 1909 30 Source: Elsbeth Tree |
Family with parents |
father |
Leonard BRIDGENS Birth: 27 February 1879 35 35 — Yardley, Worcester, England |
mother | |
elder sister |
Joyce Marion BRIDGENS Birth: 21 December 1906 27 |
3 years herself |
Ruth Norris BRIDGENS Birth: 22 October 1909 30 |
brother | |
sister |
Family with Roy BURNIE |
husband | |
herself |
Ruth Norris BRIDGENS Birth: 22 October 1909 30 |
Birth | Elsbeth Tree |
Name | Elsbeth Tree |