John EDGINGTONAge: 48 years1706–1754
- Name
Source: Lawrie Thompson Research
Publication: Email 22/10/08
Source: Genes Reunited
Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree
Birth | estimated 1706 Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Source: Genes Reunited Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree |
Marriage | Margaretta DURRAN — View this family estimated 1731 (Age 25 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 |
Birth of a son #1 | Robert EDGINGTON about 1732 (Age 26 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Source: Genes Reunited Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree |
Baptism of a son | Robert EDGINGTON 6 February 1732 (Age 26 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Elizabeth EDGINGTON about 1733 (Age 27 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Source: Genes Reunited Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree |
Baptism of a daughter | Elizabeth EDGINGTON 10 March 1733 (Age 27 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Citation details: Email 22/10/08 |
Birth of a son #3 | Richard EDGINGTON about 1736 (Age 30 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Source: Genes Reunited Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree |
Baptism of a son | Richard EDGINGTON 28 November 1736 (Age 30 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Citation details: Email 22/10/08 |
Birth of a son #4 | John EDGINGTON about 1739 (Age 33 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Source: Genes Reunited Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree |
Baptism of a son | John EDGINGTON 18 March 1739 (Age 33 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Citation details: Email 22/10/08 |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Mary EDGINGTON about 1743 (Age 37 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Source: Genes Reunited Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree |
Baptism of a daughter | Mary EDGINGTON 22 May 1743 (Age 37 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Citation details: Email 22/10/08 |
Birth of a son #6 | Richard EDGINGTON about 1749 (Age 43 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 |
Baptism of a son | Richard EDGINGTON 2 April 1749 (Age 43 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Citation details: Email 22/10/08 |
Birth of a son #7 | William EDGINGTON about 1751 (Age 45 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 |
Baptism of a son | William EDGINGTON 30 January 1752 (Age 46 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Citation details: Email 22/10/08 |
Birth of a daughter #8 | Ann EDGINGTON about 1753 (Age 47 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Citation details: Email 22/10/08 |
Baptism of a daughter | Ann EDGINGTON 14 October 1753 (Age 47 years) Source: Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 Citation details: Email 22/10/08 |
Death of a wife | Margaretta DURRAN estimated 1754 (on the date of death) Source: Genes Reunited Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree |
Death | estimated 1754 (Age 48 years) Source: Genes Reunited Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree |
Family with Margaretta DURRAN |
himself |
John EDGINGTON Birth: estimated 1706 Death: estimated 1754 |
wife |
Margaretta DURRAN Birth: estimated 1710 Death: estimated 1754 |
Marriage: estimated 1731 — |
2 years son |
Robert EDGINGTON Birth: about 1732 26 22 |
2 years daughter |
Elizabeth EDGINGTON Birth: about 1733 27 23 |
4 years son |
Richard EDGINGTON Birth: about 1736 30 26 |
4 years son |
John EDGINGTON Birth: about 1739 33 29 |
5 years daughter |
Mary EDGINGTON Birth: about 1743 37 33 |
7 years son |
Richard EDGINGTON Birth: about 1749 43 39 |
3 years son |
William EDGINGTON Birth: about 1751 45 41 |
3 years daughter |
Ann EDGINGTON Birth: about 1753 47 43 |
Birth | Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 |
Birth | Genes Reunited Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree |
Marriage | Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 |
Name | Lawrie Thompson Research Publication: Email 22/10/08 |
Name | Genes Reunited Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree |
Death | Genes Reunited Citation details: Michael Bailey Tree |