John DAVIEAge: 63 years1746–1809
- Name
- John DAVIE
Source: Sydney Smith Research
Birth | estimated 1746 45 Source: Parish Baptisms Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Baptism | 25 November 1747 (Age 22 months) Address: Chertsey, Surrey, England |
Birth of a brother | Elizabeth DAVEY about 1752 (Age 6 years) Source: Parish Baptisms Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Baptism of a brother | Elizabeth DAVEY 11 March 1752 (Age 6 years) Address: Chertsey, Surrey, England Source: Parish Baptisms Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Birth of a brother | Arthur DAVEY about 1754 (Age 8 years) Source: Parish Baptisms Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Baptism of a brother | Arthur DAVEY 3 April 1754 (Age 8 years) Address: Chertsey, Surrey, England Source: Parish Baptisms Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Birth of a sister | Mary DAVEY about 1756 (Age 10 years) Source: Parish Baptisms Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Baptism of a sister | Mary DAVEY 28 April 1756 (Age 10 years) Address: Chertsey, Surrey, England Source: Parish Baptisms Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Birth of a sister | Millicent DAVEY about 1759 (Age 13 years) Source: Parish Baptisms Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Baptism of a sister | Millicent DAVEY 8 August 1759 (Age 13 years) Address: Chertsey, Surrey, England Source: Parish Baptisms Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Death of a father | Arthur DAVIE about 1768 (Age 22 years) Source: Parish Death Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Burial of a father | Arthur DAVIE 9 February 1768 (Age 22 years) Age: 67 years Address: Chertsey, Surrey, England Source: Parish Death Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Death of a mother | Elizabeth … about 1779 (Age 33 years) Source: Parish Burials Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Burial of a mother | Elizabeth … 10 December 1779 (Age 33 years) Address: Chertsey, Surrey, England Source: Parish Burials Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Birth of a son #1 | John DAVY 1781 (Age 35 years) Address: Richmond, England Source: Parish Baptisms Register Source: Sydney Smith Research Note: This is a possability
Source: Settlement Certificate Publication: Morden Parish Records |
Baptism of a son | John DAVY 8 July 1781 (Age 35 years) Address: Richmond, England Source: Poor Law Settlement Records |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Martha DAVY about 1783 (Age 37 years) Source: Settlement Certificate Publication: Morden Parish Records |
Birth of a son #3 | Robert DAVY estimated 1785 (Age 39 years) Source: Settlement Certificate Publication: Morden Parish Records |
Baptism of a son | Robert DAVY 12 February 1786 (Age 40 years) Address: St. Marylebone, Westminster, England Source: Poor Law Settlement Records Source: Sydney Smith Research |
Birth of a son #4 | George DAVY about 1790 (Age 44 years) Source: Settlement Certificate Publication: Morden Parish Records |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Jane DAVY about 1792 (Age 46 years) Source: Settlement Certificate Publication: Morden Parish Records |
Baptism of a son | George DAVY 15 June 1792 (Age 46 years) Address: Bexley, Kent Source: Poor Law Settlement Records Citation details: Poor Law Settlement |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Elizabeth DAVY about 1798 (Age 52 years) Source: Poor Law Settlement Records |
Baptism of a daughter | Elizabeth DAVY 5 August 1798 (Age 52 years) Address: Morden, Surrey Source: Poor Law Settlement Records |
Marriage of a child | John DAVY — Mary BOLDEN — View this family 22 August 1802 (Age 56 years) Citation details: Film Ref 35, #271 Text: John Davy of the parish of Chertsey, Surrey and Mary Killingley of this parish were married on this day Source: Pallots Index Source: Sydney Smith Research |
Burial | 18 June 1809 (Age 63 years) Age: 60 years Address: St. John, Croydon, England |
Family with parents |
father |
Arthur DAVIE Birth: about 1701 Death: about 1768 — Chertsey, Surrey, England |
mother |
Elizabeth … Death: about 1779 — Chertsey, Surrey, England |
himself |
John DAVIE Birth: estimated 1746 45 Burial: 18 June 1809 — St. John, Croydon, England |
7 years younger brother |
Elizabeth DAVEY Birth: about 1752 51 |
3 years younger brother |
Arthur DAVEY Birth: about 1754 53 |
3 years younger sister |
Mary DAVEY Birth: about 1756 55 |
4 years younger sister |
Millicent DAVEY Birth: about 1759 58 |
Family with Sophia ? |
himself |
John DAVIE Birth: estimated 1746 45 Burial: 18 June 1809 — St. John, Croydon, England |
wife | |
son |
3 years daughter |
Martha DAVY Birth: about 1783 37 |
3 years son |
Robert DAVY Birth: estimated 1785 39 |
6 years son |
George DAVY Birth: about 1790 44 |
3 years daughter |
Jane DAVY Birth: about 1792 46 |
7 years daughter |
Elizabeth DAVY Birth: about 1798 52 |
Birth | Parish Baptisms Register Note: Sydney Smith Research
Name | Sydney Smith Research |
Birth | Sydney Smith Research |